Most Common Ferris Zero Turn Mower Problems And Their Solutions.

 Key Takeaway 

  • The common Ferris zero turn problems are engine failure, failed hydrostatic transmission, brakes’ inability to mow and difficulties in steering the mower.
  • You can face Ferris zero turn electrical problems if the spark plug and the ignition key are worn-out. Check these parts and replace them if defective. 
  • To maintain the hydrostatic transmission system, check that the hydraulic fuel does not leak and is fresh. Use a hydro-gear pump to evacuate any trapped air in the fuel lines. 
  • Sharpen the blades if they are blunt but if they’re chipped off, replace them. To move the mower around easily, the pressure in the tires should be adequate and equal. Check the callipers of the brakes and repair them if they are broken. 
  • The linkages of the mower’s lifting system can wear out with time due to which you cannot raise the deck on uneven terrains. So, check the linkages around the deck.

If you are looking for a zero turn mower for commercial and heavy-duty use, whether for a flat or a hilly terrain, you will find some really attractive options in the Ferris zero turn mower range. 

Ferris has always offered the best range of suspension zero turn mowers. They have a high-class ICT mowing system with the fuel-protection technology which makes maintaining the oil in the engine easy. 

As compared to the other popular counterparts, say the Simplicity zero turn mowers, the Ferris ZTR mowers can keep up with gasoline well at least five times better and hence, it is considered as a first choice for heavy-load mowing sessions. 

Not only this, as far as user experience is concerned, they are very complacent and have a sturdy build. So, if you know how to operate a zero turn mower, you will be enthralled by this one and enjoy using it completely in your lawn. 

To name a few, the Ferris ISX 800, ISX 2200 and the ISX 3300 are one of the most popular Ferris zero turn mowers. They have undoubtedly great aesthetics in terms of performance, comfort and operation. 

However, this does not make them invincible and after a period of prolonged usage, they also can fall prey to maintenance issues. Even if you own one of the best Ferris ZT mowers like the Ferris ISX 800 model, it can falter too and you may end up dealing with some of Ferris ICX 800 problems. 

So, today I am going to lay out the most common of the Ferris zero turn mower problems and the best methods to resolve them, without requiring any professional assistance. 

Ferris Zero Turn Mower Problems And Their Solutions 

Read to learn about the common problems that you can face while using a Ferris zero turn mower and along with them, I have also explained Ferris zero turn troubleshooting. 

1. The Mower’s Engine Fails to Start;

Problem : The first issue that I am going to address today is very common which occurs on almost all the zero turn mowers at some point of time. Due to maintenance issues of some essential parts like the carburetor, the fuel filters, the spark plug etc, the engine takes really long to start. The real challenge lies in identifying the faulty part so that it can be repaired or replaced in order to start the mower’s engine. 

The different reasons why your Ferris mower is unable to start, can be:

  • The carburetor or the fuel lines have become clogged due to contaminated fuel;
  • Dirty air filters have restricted the air flow to the engine;
  • Mower’s batteries have depleted;
  • The internal electrical connections have become weak or frayed out;
  • Spark plug is broken or has undue carbon deposit;
  • The mower’s charging system is damaged.

Solution: The above mentioned problems on the Ferris zero turn mower can be resolved by using the troubleshooting methods given below:

  • Clean the carburetor and the fuel filters. Due to prolonged usage or if the fuel sits in the tank for more than a month, it becomes stale and leaves residual deposits over the carburetor and the filters. Spray carburetor cleaner on the carb and the filters to wipe them out clean and if they have become extremely clogged, it’s better to replace them. 
  • When the air filters are not cleaned regularly, a lot of dust and debris can accumulate over them which can clog them. If the air filters are clogged, the air supply to the engine becomes restricted and the air-to-fuel ratio becomes disproportionate, making the carburetor ‘run rich’ and throw out black smoke. So, clean the air filters using cold water or the spray cleaner regularly. 
  • Check the mower’s batteries and the internal electrical components. If the mower is not charging anymore, either the charging system has expired or the electrical connections are loose or disconnected. In case, there’s any wear and tear on them, let a professional intervene to change the batteries and fix the electrical connection, if required.
  • Along with the electrical parts, the spark plug is an essential component of the mower. After frequent mowing sessions, it might end up bearing some carbon build up or it can become worn out. Check the plug and replace it if required. 

All these above methods will ensure that the vital parts of your Ferris ZT mower are in perfect functional condition. Now, try starting the mower’s engine and see if it worked. Meanwhile, let’s learn about more issues that occur on the Ferris zero turn mower.

2. Bumpy and Asymmetrical Mowing Patterns;

It is very natural to expect a professional turn-out of your lawn after investing in the hefty and commercial Ferris zero turn mower. Its ICT cutting system is one reason for its popularity. But it can be disappointing to find out that the Ferris mower begins to cut the grass in an uneven and asymmetrical fashion. 

Problem: This issue occurs if the mower’s blades have become blunt or the edges are damaged. It can also occur if the wheels of the mower are imbalanced or the bearings of the mower are clogged with debris, interfering with the smooth action of the blades. 


  • First of all, check that the mower’s blades have not become edgeless or rough. Ideally, you should sharpen the mower’s blades after every 20-25 hours of mowing.
  • The blades should not be scraped or chipped off. The blades can easily become blunt if they end up hitting rocky pieces or sturdy surfaces. 
  • Clean the bearings of the mower regularly. After a mowing session, hay clippings and dry leaves can get stuck into the mower’s system. They can meddle with the blades’ functions and prevent them from cutting smoothly. So, keep the mower bearing clean after every mowing session. 
  • Lastly, if you have been using your Ferris zero turn mower for a very long time, change the blades as they start to cut clumsily after getting old. 

All these preventive and curative steps will help the mower cut the grass in a spic and span manner. Just remember to maintain the mower’s blades on a regular basis. 

3. Traction Failure;

Problem : The Ferris zero turn mower has been designed to mow large areas in particular with great ease but after a long period, you may face traction issues in the mower’s engine system due to accumulation of debris. 


  • Check the mower bearings and whole of the chassis on the lower portion of the mower. If there are any stuck pieces of grass or debris, brush them off to enhance the traction.
  • If this does not improve the situation, it can be an engine issue. Check that the level of fuel in the engine is sufficient. 

4. Exorbitant Vibration;

This is another very common issue with the zero turn mowers that they start to vibrate excessively when the engine starts. 

Problem: It can happen if the mower’s alignment is incorrect or is overloaded. Also, if the weight is shifted more towards one side or the weight is lesser than the mower’s regular levels, the mower will vibrate. 


  • The first step is to check the mower’s alignment. Both the wheels should be in correct alignment and should be well-inflated. 
  • The weight on the mower should be balanced and none of the small or big parts should be loose. They should be tightly secured in their places. 
  • Next step is to check the blades of the mower. Their angle should be precise and they should be spinning freely, without any obstruction. 

5. Engine’s Performance is Inefficient;

Problem: This one is also a maintenance issue on the mower. After using the Ferris zero turn mower for a long time, you may feel that the engine is not working as smoothly and placidly as the first few months. With time, the engines lose their efficiency and start to stall or run roughly. 


  • To improve the mower’s engine efficiency, the first thing to check is the level and quality of fuel in the tank. The fuel should be fresh and rich, mixed with a good quality fuel stabiliser and should not be leaking from the engine.
  • The air filters of the engine must be clean. They do become blocked over time due to debris. Wipe them clean after every 2-3 mowing sessions otherwise the engine will not receive adequate air in the ignition chamber and will start smoking. 
  • Next step is to check the position of the throttle and the speed of the idle. Ensure that they are correctly set.
  • The last step is to the gap of the spark plug should be appropriate. This is basically the distance between the electrodes of the spark plug and the straps of the ground. 

If there is no gap, there would be no creation of spark and the fuel will not ignite in the mower’s engine. Alternatively, if there is too much gap, the combustion system will fail to deliver voltage required to ignite the spark, resulting in misfires. 

So, the spark plug gap should be anywhere between 0.020 and 0.040 inches, not any less or more. 

Keep a regular check on the above mentioned points and your Ferris mower’s engine will keep running smoothly without a hitch. 

6. Failure in Mowing Damp Grass;

Usually we prevent mowing on damp grass but it is not always possible to wait for perfect weather as far as a commercial business is concerned. So, when you need to mow on damp grass with confidence on the mower, the Ferris zero turn mowers are one perfect solution.  They are very sturdy and smartly built so that you don’t lose the steering control and find it easy to move the mower on damp grassy lawns too. 

Problem: However, you might face some difficulty initially in controlling mowing and controlling the mower in wet grass. You can also face problems on wet lawn if the mower’s blades are not sharp enough and if there is debris stuck in the braking system. 


  • When the blades are razor-sharp, the mower will easily move through wet grass and cut it without getting stalled. So, ensure that the mower’s blades are knife-like sharp and clean before you start to mow a damp lawn. 
  • In this situation, one important thing to maintain is the mower’s speed. Don’t run the engine very fast to avoid skidding. With a slow speed, the blades will move sharply through the grass and cut precisely. 

With these points, you will be able to steer the mower firmly through wet lawns but remember to clean the mower’s blades afterwards as the wet grass clippings should not remain stuck on the blades and the wheels.

7. Failure of Mower’s Hydrostatic  Transmission;

The hydrostatic system of the Ferris zero turn mowers is one of their strengths as these mowers don’t use the gears but the hydraulic fuel to power up the engine. 

Due to this technology, they are more stable, competent and their parts don’t die out faster as compared to the other mowers. 

Problem: One issue with Ferris zero turn mower’s hydrostatic transmission system is the penetration of air into the fuel lines. 

  • Sometimes, air can make way into the fuel lines and the connectivity of the hydraulic fuel to the engine is affected. Then, sufficient pressure is not built by the system and the engine does not start. 
  • Also, if the hydraulic fuel is stale, the drive belt or the mower’s pulleys are loosened or broken, the hydrostatic transmission system can fail. 


  • First of all, evacuate all the air that has gone into the system using a hydro-gear pump. Contact a professional to do this if you face difficulties in using the pump.
  • Check that the drive belt and the mower’s pulleys are in a functional state. If the belt is flapping or if the pulleys are broken, replace them. 

The hydrostatic transmission system of any zero turn mower thrives on regular maintenance. So, keep the hydraulic fuel fresh and prevent air from getting trapped into the system. 

8. Brakes Stop Functioning;

The brakes of any riding mower are one of the most critical parts and for the mower to cut evenly and sharply across the lawn, the blades need to be sharp and rightly angled. 

Problem : In most of the cases, it is the broken callipers of the brakes which prevent the mower from trimming the grass precisely. As mentioned above, if the blades are blunt or the adjustment has gone wrong, they won’t move and the mower’s brain system will give up. 


  • Check the brakes of the mower and ensure that their adjustment and alignment is correct. 
  • They should not be bent or crooked at the edges. 
  • Clean the brakes if any grass clipping, small stones or dry leaves have gotten stuck in the braking system. 

Make it a habit to sharpen the blades and clean them after each mowing session so that if by chance they have chipped off their edges, they can be replaced timely. 

9. Difficult to Raise the Mower’s Deck on an Uneven Areas;

Problem: It is important to be able to raise the mower’s deck when you are on rough uneven terrain. Controlling the mower’s turns and balancing it comes with a lot of practice but if you have a great hand at mowing but still face difficulty in raising the mower’s deck when required, there might be an issue with the linkages of the lifting. 


  • Check the links of the lifting system of the mower. The links can go out of place after a period of time or can wear out. Replace the defective parts if required. 

10. Difficulty in Turning the Wheels;

Problem: If you struggle in taking turns or moving the mower around with ease, mostly it is due to unequal pressure in the mower’s tires. If any of the tires is deflated or punctured, you cannot turn around the mower smoothly and if you continue forcing the mower to move in such a situation, the tires can get damaged. 


  • Check that the tires are adequately infected and have equal pressure. 
  • Also, lubricate the mower with a steering oil regularly. 

Just like that, with all these Ferris zero turn troubleshooting methods, you will be able to resolve all the issues on the Ferris mower and if you pledge to maintain it regularly, the Ferrois zero turn mowers can provide loyal service for a prolonged period of time. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How many hours does a Ferris zero turn mower last?

Answer – In general, the Ferris zero turn mower can easily last up to 2000 hours, without having any major repairs. 

Q2. When should I change the oil in my Ferris zero turn mower?

Answer – The Ferris zero turn mowers are exclusively equipped with an Oil-guard system by the Vanguards. This oil-guard system can extend the life of oil in the tank by 500%. This means that the mower can easily go on for 500 hours without changing the oil which cuts down on the cost of oil in the mower. 

Q3.What kind of oil is used in the Ferris zero turn mowers?

Answer – The Ferris zero turn mower uses premium quality detergent oil like ‘For Service SF, SG, SH, SJ’ or high. Synthetic oils also can be used which work well in all the temperatures. 

Q4. Which is the biggest Ferris zero turn mower?

Answer – Out of all the models of the Ferris zero turn mowers, the WZ100 is the biggest model with a huge cutting width of 120”. It has five 25”  flex decks and excellent manoeuvrability. It is also the biggest zero turn mower in the world with the strength and precision of about five medium size mowers. 

Q5. What engine is used in the Ferris zero turn mowers?

Answer – The Ferris zero turn mowers have the Vanguard engine with EFI and ETC which are considered the most premium in terms of lawn maintenance and care. Both the technologies are known for curating models with a smooth start and consummation. 


It is normal to feel anxious when you face any issues with these excellent quality Ferris suspension zero turn mowers. However, you must have understood by now that over a period of regular usage, such issues can crop up on any of the zero turn mowers but they can be resolved easily. 

Ensure that the fuel is fresh and add a fuel stabiliser each time you refill the tank. Keep a regular check on the mower’s brakes, the spark plug, the fuel pump, the hydraulic fuel and keep the tires well-inflated. 

With these tips, the Ferris zero turn mower won’t stall and will keep operating at the best of its efficiency. Leave a comment in the comments section if this article proved valuable to you in resolving issues on the Ferris zero turn mower. 

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